Village map

Here you will find a detailed street map,
stored as a pdf file, and information about bus connections in and around Rum.

If the village map (pdf) cannot be displayed, then you require the Acrobat-Reader, which can be downloaded here, free of charge.

Grid Square:

Hotel-Restaurant Rumer Hof**** : J7/11
Hotel-Restaurant Huberhof*** : D8/6
Gasthof Canisiusbrünnl : B2/75
Haus Bacher  : D9/6
Haus Danielle : E8/3c
Haus Fuchsberger : 7F/5
Haus Grubhofer : D9/37
Haus Hölzl : E7/10
Haus Langpohl-Maan : K3/71
Gästehaus Karlhof : B6/2
Gästehaus Schirmer : C7/1
 Gästehaus Geigerhof : E9/34 
Haus Geigerhof : E9/32
Haus Gfrerer : C10/10
Haus Halbwirth : H6/5
Haus Schreiner : CD9/6